Steampunk inspiration and resources

Posts tagged “Design

My Entries into the Indiana and Kentucky Steampunk Societies’ Pin Contest


Indiana Steampunk Society design

indiana-state-flag-button-7998698I found out from following the Pandora Society that both the Indiana and Kentucky Steampunk Societies are having a competition this month. Both states are looking for new designs for pins based on each one’s state seal. I am pretty clumsy in the Adobe design suite, but overall I am quite pleased with what I could do.

Above is my submission for Indiana, which substitutes a teacup-wielding robot arm for a torch and gears for stars (source material at left). The Kentucky design is below, and I decided to focus on the motto, “United We Stand, Divided We Fall” rather than the picture on the seal. I was hoping to capture a “Writers and Makers Unite!” sort of vibe. What do you think?

The prize is free admission to either the 2015 or 2016 International Steampunk Symposium, which is held in Cincinnati annually. I am already planning my visit in 2016, and getting to contribute to the Midwest Steampunk efforts would be icing on the cake.

In order to enter I have to post my design on my own site, but voting doesn’t start until Feb. 17 so I’ll let you know how to cast your ballot for my designs once voting commences. Want to try yourself? Here are the details.


Kentucky Pin Better lettering

Wish me luck!



Cosplay at the Asylum: Out and About

There were so many wonderful costumes during Weekend at the Asylum, so I decided to keep the costume contest participants for another post. Here are some delightful folks from around the convention.


The Bumper Stickers Have Arrived!

Bumper Stickers

If you didn’t get a chance to get yours through the campaign but you are still interested, leave me a comment about how many you want and we can try to work something out. $2.50 per sticker (includes domestic shipping). I can only guarantee delivery if you let me know by next Monday, 5/26.

For Londoners, I will always be carrying some of these awesome 3” x 10” stickers with me during my trek through the city and they will available for purchase during any meetups that are arranged and during Weekend at the Asylum as I am walking around and meeting folks.





Last Chance to Weigh in on a Slogan

So far “My Other Car is an Airship” is leading the pack for the slogan I’ll use for my steampunk sticker design. I wanted to post the poll one more in time in case anyone still wanted to vote or share their own slogan idea. For more info, check out my original post here.


Beyond Bustles: Daisy Viktoria Designs

Daisy Viktoria thought she was going to be a scientist, but her passion for fashion pulled her away from chemical engineering and into the world of fantasy. Her whimsical designs flirt with fairy tales, Victorian England and the wild west, and she was kind enough to send me photos from her most recent Steampunk-inspired shoot. (Click on the thumbnails for larger images)

I love the gold and black motif in this set of designs, especially the black on black striped shorts. But if bustles and corsets are a little too steamy for your everyday wear, Daisy has many subtly Steampunk designs as well. If Santa leaves some money in my stocking I am definitely going to ‘stock up’ on some of her ready to wear items. (Click on the thumbnails for larger images). You can check out more of her designs and her online store here.

Steampunk Couture

Steampunk Fashion at

When I started my steampunk Pinterest board I quickly realized that a lot of the most interesting fashion came from Steampunk Couture. The collections are grouped by season and the selection each season is somewhat limited because everything is handmade. You can check out their Spring 2013 line as well as archives going back to 2006 for inspiration for your own steampunk creations. I included a few of my favorites from 2013 here.

SC gray skirt SC beanie