Steampunk inspiration and resources

My Entries into the Indiana and Kentucky Steampunk Societies’ Pin Contest


Indiana Steampunk Society design

indiana-state-flag-button-7998698I found out from following the Pandora Society that both the Indiana and Kentucky Steampunk Societies are having a competition this month. Both states are looking for new designs for pins based on each one’s state seal. I am pretty clumsy in the Adobe design suite, but overall I am quite pleased with what I could do.

Above is my submission for Indiana, which substitutes a teacup-wielding robot arm for a torch and gears for stars (source material at left). The Kentucky design is below, and I decided to focus on the motto, “United We Stand, Divided We Fall” rather than the picture on the seal. I was hoping to capture a “Writers and Makers Unite!” sort of vibe. What do you think?

The prize is free admission to either the 2015 or 2016 International Steampunk Symposium, which is held in Cincinnati annually. I am already planning my visit in 2016, and getting to contribute to the Midwest Steampunk efforts would be icing on the cake.

In order to enter I have to post my design on my own site, but voting doesn’t start until Feb. 17 so I’ll let you know how to cast your ballot for my designs once voting commences. Want to try yourself? Here are the details.


Kentucky Pin Better lettering

Wish me luck!



One response

  1. I like the cogs in the Indiana logo, but I am especially pleased with the Kentucky entry.
    The message conveyed by the different tools displayed represents so much of what steampunk is about to so many.


    February 6, 2015 at 9:37 am

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